Sunday, September 5, 2010

This is my first expereince as a blogger! I have so many things to say, but yet I am having trouble focusing and figuring out what to say first! The purpose behind this blog is to write about my journey as I become more healthy, not just for myself, but for my future family. I don't have children yet- right now it's just me and my husband. I do plan on trying for kids in the next year or so (if I don't continue to put it off as I have for the past few years) and I am already thinking about their health and well-being. I want to provide them with the best food possible from the beginning. I believe that begins now, before they are even conceived by making myself the healthiest I can be. I want to try to eat more healthy, organic/natural foods and exercise more often. My husband and I have slowly changed our eating habits and now cook more on a regular basis using as many natural foods as possible and rarely eat out (except with friends and for special occasions). A few years ago, I read You on a Diet by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen and it's helped to change my views on food and how my body processes ingredients. I've tried to follow some of their suggestions, but it's been tough. We've tried to decrease the amount of hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and enriched flour from our diets. It's easier said then done! But that's not enough- after reading books and watching documentaries such as Food, Inc. (highly recommended!), I realize that there are so many more potentially destructive ingredients in our foods in addition to the 3 I just mentioned. The damaging affects of pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, and antibiotics are astounding! But how do you cut them all out? And do so without breaking the bank? Therein lies my quest- to eliminate as many damaging ingredients from my food for the sake of my family's health, but to do so without spending a fortune. I want to us this blog to inform people about the products, stores, and resources out there so you can do the same. I hope that readers will share their own resources and ideas for staying healthy. Together, we can help each other live long, healthy lives!!!